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Welcome to the UCSD Rainbow Seder in honor of the LGBT Resource Center's Out and Proud Week 2016! This is an abbreviated Seder that is meant to be thought-provoking, reflective, and open to individuals of all backgrounds.

We begin by introducing ourselves to the group, including our name, preferred gender pronouns, year in school, what we study at UCSD, and what other campus communities we are a part of. We are also open to share about our past experiences with Passover.

  • Matzah - can’t rise to full potential

  • Morar - bitterness of everyday oppression. Misgendering, invisibility, microaggressions

  • Haroset - community insularity. Supportive community, building bonds, stability but also rigidity, a sacrifice of fluidity

  • Shank bone - sacrifices in the past. Sacrifices of different facets of identity in different spaces (even if things have changed since having to hide/sacrifice queerness in Jewish settings overall)

  • Egg - new life once you claim your identity

  • Salt water - tears

  • Karpas - parsley

  • Orange -this is traditionally associated with Queer Judaism anyway--can we find a particularly good source to quote for the background story?

  • Dipping twice - mixed community of queer/allies, different

  • Reclining - celebrating who you are finally

  • How do you think about owning this symbols in a personal way?


Over the course of the Seder we drink four cups of wine. Each represents an aspect of our queer identity. 

Cup #1 represents our Past.
